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We are family

Elisabet Vendrell

FLG President

The association of gay and lesbian families (FLG) is the producer of the documentary "Homo Baby Boom". This documentary is about the reality of the gay and lesbian families. This documentary is a great tool to society and schools to understand the diversity of what a family can be. The documentary has the collaboration of six families from Catalonia and Valencia with the goal to make them visible, show how regular families with two mom or two dads are, and present the daily life of boys and girls with homosexual parents.

"Homo baby boom"

Director: Anna Boluda
Producer: FLG (Asociación de Familias Lesbianas y Gays)
Documentary, Spain, 2009
27 min


Six families with lesbian and gay parents of Catalonia and Valencia explain how they became parents, what reaction have had to face and how the legal changes of 2005, allowing in Spain gay marriage and adoption, have changed their lives.

"Homo baby boom" gives voice to the real characters of a phenomenon that despite not being new, in the last few years has increased considerably. These families, which until a few years ago had no legal protection, have integrated in the Spanish society with full rights but have to fight to be seen.

Maite Garcia Fochs i Pere Terés Quiles


From the Association of Parents of Gays and Lesbians, we say we are very pleased about initiatives such as the "Mostra" Film Festival organised by the CASAL LAMBDA, and we are glad that at least once a year our sons and daughters are guaranteed the possibility to see films which are not completely foreign to them. Although it is true that cinema and literature are making homosexuality increasingly visible, it is clear that they are a long way from reflecting the issue as we would like.

Unless and until that happens, events like the "Mostra" will continue to be necessary.

In supporting with admiration the inspiring and intelligent work of the Casal, we would like to encourage all families, and especially parents of GLBT children, to attend the event and with their presence ratify its quality and appropriateness.

Thanks once again to our friends at the Casal.

"2 volte genitori"

Director: Claudio Cipelleti
Producer: Associació de Pares i Mares de Gais i Lesbianes
Documentary, Italy, 2008
96 min


Is my child how I imagine him to be? Sooner or later all parents, for one reason or another, end up facing this question. "2 volte genitori" penetrates directly into the heart of families at the critical moment of the revelation of homosexuality by sons or daughters. By way of the delicate work of listening, the film investigates the breach between the expectations which the children do not live up to and the acceptance beyond homosexuality as such, to the very renaissance as parents. After the confusion, the feeling of loss and the blame, bit by bit a new path is mapped out which takes the families on an unexpected journey, from children to parents, from parents to grandparents, and then back to the children. The generational circle is completed and love wins through, but it is not enough. There has to be full implication, and these mothers and fathers have been able to make it to the end, gifting us an intense experience which is beautiful for everyone.